插件分类: Site Management => Automatic Links
支持版本:1.5 /1.6 /1.7
Sitelinkx replaces keywords with links.
Sitelinkx 根据关键字替换为相关链接
- native Joomla 1.5/1.6/1.7 component
- 本土化 Joomla 1.5/1.6/1.7组件
- PHP 5.3 ready
- 需要PHP 5.3 支持
- seo friendly
- 对Seo(搜索引擎优化) 友好
- created code is w3c-valid
- 建立的代码是通w3c验证
- define unlimited sitelinkx
- 可定义无限个sitelinkx
- works with many 3rd party extensions e.g. Virtuemart, Community Builder Enhanced etc.
- 可工作在允许第三方扩展里,例如:Virtuemart, Community Builder Enhanced 等。
- shows links in existing or new window/tab
- 可在新(或现有的)的窗口和Tab里显示链接。
- define a title for your link
- 对你的链接定义一个标题
- component can be translated in any language
- 组件能被翻译成任何语言。
- localisation files : bulgarian, chinese, german, indonesian, romanian, arabic, dutch, french,
greek, hungarian, italian, japanese, polish, portuguese, russian, spanish, swedish and turkish,
- 本土化文件:保加利亚、汉语、德语、印尼,罗马尼亚语、阿拉伯语、荷兰语、法语, 希腊、匈牙利、义大利语、日语、波兰、葡萄牙语、俄语、西班牙语,瑞典语和土耳其语。
- possibility to sort Sitelinkx
- Sitelinkx (可能)可以排序
- Checks if the site that you want to link to is reachable
- 检查站点链接是是否有效
- Added pagination
- 添加分页
- Removed general publish, replaced by termination , ie determine a date when links should be published/unpublished
- 移除常规发布、替换被终止、 当发布(不发布)链接时应该浏览器确定一个时间。
- Directly select an Joomla article as a link
- 可直接选择一篇Joomla文章作为链接。
- Global configuration
- 全局配置
- Select a replacement method, strict or loose
Sitelinkx automatically replaces definded words by links. Sitelinkx requires no registration, it's free.
Sitelinkx 自动替换定义好的链接关键词,Sitelinkx 不需要注册、它是免费的。
Sitelinkx is licensed under the GPLv3
Sitelinkx 在GPLV3下获得许可
New Version: V1.54!
New Features in V1.52:
- Sitelinkx now works with Joomla 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7
- Sitelinkx 现在可在Joomla 1.5 ,1.6和1.7中运行。
- now works as intended in IE
- 现在能在IE下工作。
- powered by is only shown now when a keyword is actually linked by Sitelinkx
- 支持现在仅显示一个关键词(实际上是通过Sitelinkx链接的)
- an additional class name 'sitelinkx' has been inserted for generated links, can be edited by CSS
一个附加的叫'sitelinkx' 的class被插入到生成的链接中(译注:在链接上加行class='sitelinkx' ),能使用CSS编辑链接样式。
New Features in V1.53:
- {sitelinkxoff} in an article prevents the plugin from linking keywords (Thanks to Ralph Kampmann)
- 可在文章中使用{sitelinkxoff}来阻止关键词的链接。
- resolved an issue with some translations
New Features in V1.54:
- now you can limit the number of generated links
- you can define if links should be nofollow
- 如果链接是“nofollow”你就能定义。
Just install the new version, no need to uninstall the old version.
That's all you have to do.
Thank you for using Sitelinkx, we hope you like V1.54!
Please take also a look at our other extensions at
Take also a look at our new demo site at